Samagi Spice Export - Ceylon Spices

Health Benefits

Health Benefits & Effects Of Cinnamon


Reduced Inflammation

Cinnamaldehyde, the primary component in Ceylon cinnamon, may be anti-inflammatory. Cinnamaldehyde has been found to decrease the body's inflammatory response, resulting in less unpleasant effects. Chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis are all connected to inflammation. Ceylon cinnamon may help with these symptoms.


May Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Cinnamon has been demonstrated in preliminary research to help lower cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels in general, as well as \"bad\" LDL cholesterol, are linked to diseases including heart disease. Cinnamon appears to help decrease LDL and total cholesterol levels while having little effect on "good" HDL cholesterol.


Improves Insulin Response

Cinnamon appears to help patients who have insulin resistance or diabetes. Cinnamon has been shown in studies to improve your body's natural insulin response. This can assist your body in better regulating blood sugar levels and lowering your risk of hypo- or hyperglycemia.


Helps manage blood pressure

Cinnamon appears to help patients who have insulin resistance or diabetes. Cinnamon has been shown in studies to improve your body's natural insulin response. This can assist your body in better regulating blood sugar levels and lowering your risk of hypo- or hyperglycemia.


Great source of nutrition

Manganese is also abundant in Ceylon cinnamon. This mineral aids in the management of hormone-producing enzymes as well as bone healing. Many people consume cinnamon in the form of tea due to the massive benefits of cinnamon tea.


Loaded With Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect your body from free radical oxidative damage. Cinnamon is high in polyphenols, which are potent antioxidants. Cinnamon came out on top in research that assessed the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, even beating out "superfoods" like garlic and oregano.


Benefits on Neurodegenerative Diseases

Progressive loss of brain cell structure or function characterizes neurodegenerative disorders. Two of the most frequent forms are Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Cinnamon contains two chemicals that appear to prevent the development of tau in the brain, which is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. Cinnamon helped preserve neurons, regulate neurotransmitter levels, and enhance motor performance in rats with Parkinson's disease. In people, these consequences should be investigated further.


May Protect Against Cancer

Cancer is a dangerous condition marked by uncontrolled cell development. Cinnamon's potential for cancer prevention and therapy has been extensively researched. Overall, the evidence for cinnamon extracts protecting against cancer is restricted to test-tube and animal research. It works by inhibiting cancer cell development and blood vessel creation in tumors, and it appears to be toxic to cancer cells, inducing cell death.


Helps Fight Bacterial Infections

Cinnamaldehyde, one of cinnamon's key active ingredients, may aid in the battle against infection. Cinnamon oil has been demonstrated to successfully cure fungi-caused respiratory tract infections. It can also stop some germs from growing, such as Listeria and Salmonella. However, the data is limited, and cinnamon has yet to be proven to lower infections in other parts of the body. Cinnamon's antibacterial properties may also aid to prevent tooth decay and foul breath.


May Help Fight HIV

HIV is a virus that weakens your immune system over time, eventually leading to AIDS if left untreated. Cinnamon derived from Cassia types is supposed to aid in the fight against HIV-1, the most common HIV strain in people. Cinnamon was determined to be the most effective therapy for HIV-infected cells in a laboratory trial involving 69 medicinal plants.